Thursday, October 30, 2014

What a house!

Is there anyone among us who would not love to have the house in this photo from 1912 (estimated)? Not only is it huge and ornately decorated all around—from the peak of the roof to the side of the porch—but it also has a walk-out deck from the second-floor bedroom, gutters with downspouts, three lightning rods, two chimneys, and a cement sidewalk leading up to the front door. (Add high-speed Internet and a robust wifi router, and it would be perfect!)

As incredible as the house may be, that is not the best part of the picture, as the detail below makes clear.

Do any of the people look familiar, maybe the same people as shown here? It seems fairly certain that the older girl on the left is Grandma (Malinda Franz, born 1906), which would make the younger girl her sister Lydia (born 1910).

The older couple in the center are Margaretha Siebert Epp and Jacob Epp, which implies strongly that the man and woman standing behind Grandma and Lydia are their parents: Isaac G. and Sarah Epp Franz (Margaretha and Jacob are her parents).

The fellow on the far right wearing the boutonnière is completely unknown—but it may be some sort of special day for him (although it seems a bit awkward to have him standing apart from the others).

Another photographic treasure reclaimed from obscurity, thanks to Dad and Suely and their trusty scanner—even more waiting to be shared!

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