Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father’s Day, 2023

The Buller Time blog sprang into existence on Father’s Day 2014 as a virtual gift to my dad, who shares a curiosity about and an interest in our family history. I did not know exactly where the blog would go or what content it might cover; only later did I discover the rich and steadily increasing body of online resources related to Mennonite history that has led us to explore more paths than I ever could have imagined nine years ago.

Buller Time’s first post (reproduced below) was short and simple: a brief paragraph followed by a photo.

Mennonite barn located in the former Molotschna Colony, Ukraine. Chris Buller’s father, Peter P Buller, lived in the villages of Alexanderkrone and Kleefeld before coming to the United States with the rest of his family when he was ten. To read further about the Molotschna Colony, see here.

Mennonite barn, Molochna

Today’s anniversary post is number 705, with many more to come (Lord willing). For the immediate future, I plan to continue translating and commenting upon the 1848 Molotschna Gemeindeberichten. In that vein, I am pleased to report that the translation of the Halbstadt Gemeindebericht has been completed. You can read the entire community report in English here. Much of the commentary remains to be written, but I hope to finish that within the coming weeks, so we can proceed to the next village in line: Muntau.

On this Father’s Day, as we remember the launch of Buller Time blog nine years and three days ago, let me offer thanks to all those who have stopped by to read and explore (and apologies to those who have emailed but not yet received a response). Most of all, thanks (and love) to my dad, who is the reason that the blog even exists. 

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