The Buller Family Reunion was held June 28 at the Hope Community Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, with a total of twenty-six in attendance: Wayne and Bev Buller, Matilda Klippenstein, Mary Henrichson, Chris Harmon, Dave Penner, Michelle and Clara Gardner, Martha and Nikita Myles, David Connelly, Steve Buller, Dan Buller, Lois and Mel Steggs, Charlotte and Jerry Zieg, Kelli and Mark Zieg and their two sons, Nicole Vance, Marcia and Tom Tomes, and Dennis and Melissa Thorne.
We had lots of good food, fun games, and time for fellowship. Dan Buller, who drove up from Texas, came the farthest. The youngest attendee was Clara Gardner, granddaughter of Dave Penner; the oldest was Matilda Klippenstein.
The next reunion is scheduled for June 27, 2015, to be held at Charlotte and Jerry Zieg’s in Beaver Crossing. Hopefully by then they will be pretty much recovered from the tornado damage. The same three cousins will serve on the planning committee for another year: Marcia Tomes, Steve Buller, and Mary Henrichson. If you have any suggestions of things to do, we would love to hear from you!
Matilda Klippenstein, Wayne and Bev Buller |
Above: Martha and Nikita Myles, Michelle and Clara Gardner, Dave Penner, Matilda Klippenstein, David Connelly, Mary Henrichson; below: Chris Harmon |
Dennis and Melissa Thorne, Jerry and Charlotte Zieg, Nicole Vance, Kelli and Mark Zieg and their two sons, Tom and Marcia Tomes |
Charlotte and Jerry Zieg, Nicole Vance, Kelli and Mark Zieg and their two sons |
Charlotte and Jerry Zieg and their two grandsons |